Test Your Knowledge (DocBoss Topics List)

Use the list below to track which DocBoss features you want to learn more about, and click on the links to be redirected to the relevant articles. If you request advanced training from us, we can customize our course offerings based on your chosen topics.

Basics review

Topic Description
Project setup Initiate a project and fill out the Project Main fields
Add equipment to a project
Input the documentation requirements to the project so DocBoss can automatically generate a list of documents
Send & receive documents Make submittals through DocBoss and status returned documents from customers
Set up Supplier Document Index and Databooks on your project for DocBoss to automatically fill in
Grids and filtering Get comfortable navigating the grids and filtering card and equipment lists


Topic Description
Auto reclaim Apply return status to documents when customer has not returned a copy of the file
Bulk match Have DocBoss automatically match which documents should go in each card
Card history Understand the way DocBoss tracks card history (for troubleshooting and revisions, if needed)
Card list queries Set up logic to tell DocBoss which cards are required and which are not
Card to unit changes Manage cards that were sent to customer prior to an equipment change order
Compilations – Advanced options for structuring Learn how to format and structure databooks and databook table of contents exactly to customer specifications
Custom fields (card, equipment, etc.) Create fields to store and use any information that isn't available in DocBoss by default
CSV edit (card list, equipment list) Edit card list and equipment list via CSV, allowing fast bulk changes through Excel
Custom equipment types Add additional equipment types (for example, steel) and cross-reference it with tagged equipment
eSignature Digitally sign documents before submittal to customer
Expediting Send reports to customers, sub-suppliers, and users listing coming due/overdue documents
Internal approval Approve vendor documents internally before submitting them to your customer
Library (basic) Store commonly used documents in a repository shared across all projects
Library (advanced) Use queries to automatically populate project cards with library documents (useful for MTRs, weld certs)
Map customer codes to internal codes Cross reference customer codes with your standard internal code list for easy cross-project searching and reporting
Markups Add markups and comments to documents in the DocBoss viewer
MTR management Store and manage your collection of material test reports (MTRs) in the DocBoss library for use across any of your projects
Native files Attach native files (CAD files, etc.) to cards to send to customers along with the PDF versions
Obsolete cards The "recycle bin" of DocBoss. Manage and restore deleted manual cards or auto generated cards which have had their linked equipment removed from the order.
Package documents Manage documents like drawings and MTRs individually, but automatically package them into a single PDF (including bookmarks and hyperlinked table of contents) for submittal
Project Dashboard Visual representation of document status and location across multiple projects
Project template Configure project default settings and available fields
Recreate external history Bring a project into DocBoss that was started externally, including full submittal history record
Reporting Get KPIs on projects across your system
Routing Assign files to other DocBoss users for review
Routing scenario Automatically assign documents to different users for review based on situation/return status
Stage lists Create workflows for document issue purposes (single stages like Issued for Approval; multi stages like Issued for Approval > Issued for Construction > Issued As Built, etc.)
Stamps Apply stamps with automatically filled text (date, doc number, issue purpose, etc.) to documents in the DocBoss viewer
Templates (Email) Fully customize (plain text or HTML) email templates for submittals, expedite emails, etc.
Templates (PDF/Excel) Create and upload templates using variables so DocBoss can automatically fill in your cover sheets, transmittals, document indexes, and more (or have us do this service for you)
Temporary cards Manage simultaneous workflows for a single document
Unpacking Return packaged documents to DocBoss, automatically splitting up the contained documents back into their individual cards so they can be statused individually, but sent to the customer as a single file
Vendor portal and customer portal Give your vendors and customers access to download and make submittals directly through a simplified DocBoss portal