Individual Page Assign

DocBoss allows the user to select individual pages from a multi-page pdf, and assign them to separate cards.

Select and assign

  1. Click on Thumbnail OR
  2. Use selection on top left of thumbnail
  3. The selected pages will have a yellow border.
  4. Drag the page(s) across to the card list. (must drag from top BLUE page selection area)

Once you release the drag, a new file will be created. You will see a warning while the file is being created.


During this time the SAVE icon will be greyed. Once the processing has completed – the new file will appear in the viewer, and the save icon will be enabled.

Upon return to the incoming submittal screen – notice that the assigned pages have been grouped into a green accordion.

  1. You can expand the accordion to view the assignments.
  2. You can UNDO the assignment. This will reverse the assign, and make the pages available to reassignment.
  3. You can REMOVE any page of a document. If you are not going to assign a page, it must be removed to allow the file to be marked as complete.
  4. You can rotate pages from the viewer.


Progress of Individual Page Assignment

If any pages of a file have been individually assigned, all pages must be processed. The entire file will remain in the “unassigned” tab until EVERY page has either been assigned or removed.

  1. Displays the total Number of pages in the file uploaded
  2. Displays the Number of pages which have been assigned
  3. Displays the Number of pages which have been removed.
