DocBoss allows the user to select individual pages from a multi-page pdf, and assign them to separate cards.
Select and assign
- Click on Thumbnail OR
- Use selection on top left of thumbnail
- The selected pages will have a yellow border.
- Drag the page(s) across to the card list. (must drag from top BLUE page selection area)
Once you release the drag, a new file will be created. You will see a warning while the file is being created.
During this time the SAVE icon will be greyed. Once the processing has completed – the new file will appear in the viewer, and the save icon will be enabled.
Upon return to the incoming submittal screen – notice that the assigned pages have been grouped into a green accordion.
- You can expand the accordion to view the assignments.
- You can UNDO the assignment. This will reverse the assign, and make the pages available to reassignment.
- You can REMOVE any page of a document. If you are not going to assign a page, it must be removed to allow the file to be marked as complete.
- You can rotate pages from the viewer.
Progress of Individual Page Assignment
If any pages of a file have been individually assigned, all pages must be processed. The entire file will remain in the “unassigned” tab until EVERY page has either been assigned or removed.
- Displays the total Number of pages in the file uploaded
- Displays the Number of pages which have been assigned
- Displays the Number of pages which have been removed.