The document revision settings for a project are set under Set Up > Main > Document Revision Settings.

Only Primary Doc Rev Enabled
Secondary Doc Rev Enabled
Primary Doc Rev Default Value: the value that you want your default rev set to - example 1 or A
Primary Doc Rev Name: the reference that you are using to set the revision.
Primary Doc Rev Warning: When there is a change to the doc card you have three options for a warning using the drop down you can set accordingly.
- None - there is no warning if you make a revision and do not change the primary rev number you will not get a notification
- Require New - if you make a revision to a card it is mandatory that you also change the primary rev number
- Warn if not changed - if you make a revision to a card and do not change the primary rev number you will get a pop up warning indicating that you have made a change but have not changed the revision.
Enable Secondary Doc Rev: This allows you to manage two revision numbers in the system
Secondary Doc Rev Name: (if secondary doc rev is enabled) this is the reference for the secondary doc number
Revision Format
The digits used in the revision format can be changed in Document Revision Settings > Rev # output formats:
Each # added corresponds to a digit in the output.
i.e. if Format contains ## the revision will be displayed as 01.