Default Prices

When working with Prices & Estimates, Admin users can set default prices and add new pricing segments under Admin settings. Admin and Full users can also set default prices for specific customers under the companies' profiles.

Global settings

To set default prices or add new segments that will apply to all new projects, select the settings gear, then Admin > Other Lists.


The default screen under Other Lists is the Default Prices list.

From here, admin users can edit the default pricing for documentation costs across all new projects.

Additional pricing segments can also be added under this area.


To add a new segment, (1) select Add Price and (2) complete the information. This will automatically be added to all Prices and Estimates on all new projects. (This will not apply to existing projects.)

Per company

Default prices can also be set per customer on the company's profile.

From the dropdown menu in the company's profile, select Custom Prices.


Select the plus sign (+) in the top right corner of the grid to define pricing, per segment, to override the system defaults for this customer. This will apply to new projects only.
