Stage Abbreviation Adders (inside the status list)

In DocBoss the stage name adder is the text that a customer wants to be included on the cover sheet, Specifically if the next revision of a document that they returned as Approved with comments or Rejected.

For example they may ask you to indicate: “Customer Comments Incorporated” before the stage description or maybe the letter "R" immediately after the stage abbreviation.

Below you can see a few examples of how this can be shown on the cover sheets:



Here is an example of how Stage abbr adders work:

In our example the customers status list is as following:

  1. Approved
  2. Approved with comments
  3. Rejected
  4. For information

And your status list should look as following:


Before we go further make sure that you have already populated the system with the customers stage list. If you need more details, you can check the Stage and Stage Lists

The Stage List used for this example is:


IFR – Issued for review

IFA – Issued for approval

IFI – Issued for implementation

Now to include the Stage abbr data, assume that you have already sent the first revision of the document and the customer has returned it “Approved with comments” or “Rejected”.

In order to add on the cover sheets of the next revisions the comment “Customer Comments Incorporated” or an “R”, you should include this information in your status list as you can see in the below image:


You can add this information manually if you have already created the Status List or you can add it when creating the Status List.
