What do I do if I forgot my password?

If you've forgotten your password and need to regain access to your account, follow these simple steps to reset your password.

Step 1: Access the Password Reset
On the login screen, enter your email address or username, and click Next.

On the next screen, select Forgot password.

 Step 2: Provide Your Email Address or Username
Click on the "Forgot Password" link, and a new screen will appear. Here, you'll need to enter the email address associated with your account.

Step 3: Request Password Reset
After entering your email address or username, click on the "Reset Password" button. This will trigger a password reset request.

Step 4: Check Your Email
You'll receive a confirmation note in your email inbox, indicating that an email has been sent to help you reset your password.

Step 5: Reset Your Password
Open the email and click on the link to proceed with the password reset.

Step 6: Set a New Password
Clicking on the provided link will take you to a new screen where you can create a new password. Follow the on-screen instructions, enter your new password, and confirm it.

Step 7: Access Your Account
After successfully setting your new password, click the "Save" or "Reset Password" button. You will now have access to your account with the updated password.


Congratulations! You've successfully reset your password and can now use your new credentials to log in. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.