Setting the FROM: Email Address

When you send a submittal notification from DocBoss, we allow you to set the FROM email address. Your options are:

  • User Email Address (the user that is managing the project). Note you must have SPF and DKIM entries on your domain - see here for instructions
  • Outbound Generic Email Address

How to set your FROM: email address for email notifications

You can manage the from email address that is used on each project.

To Get Here:

Project menu - (Set Up) Main > (Output Settings) Transmittal Notification Emails


The drop-down allows you to select which From: email and/or contact info you would like to use for your outbound email notifications. (the generic email is only available if you set it up at Admin level)

If you use a different FROM address (other than please ensure your IT Department has modified your corporate SPF. (See below)

Creating the Outbound Generic Email address

The Admin tab is the only place where the generic address can be configured. An example of this would be

To Get Here:

  • Settings > Admin > General
  • Scroll to Transmittals Default Options


Click the edit icon beside the Outbound Generic Email Address and/or Outbound Generic Name to add detail.

NOTE: When using an email address from your domain

If you use a different FROM address (other than please ensure your IT Department has properly set up your corporate SPF and DKIM records.

Instructions for SPF and DKIM are included in this article - click to view