Release - September 2020

Sub-Supplier Portal

Users may now invite sub-suppliers/vendors to upload documents directly to DocBoss (Project specific). These uploads are treated as incoming submittals from sub-suppliers.

Click here for more information


Separate submittal per file (batching)

Some customers have an automated document processing solution in place. As a result, they require every file to be issued on a separate submittal. This can create an enormous amount of work for the supplier. In DocBoss, an option exists (from the outgoing submittal area) which allows the user to automate separate submittals for every file.

We suggest you use only when demanded by your customer - it will create an enormous amount of submittals!

Click here for more information


Package comment sheet

During the unpacking process, comment sheets are often provided for each returned card. In some situations, all comments are added to a single comment sheet for the entire package. Users may now designate a set of pages as the package comment sheet which will be circulated with each individual card.

Click here for more information


Customer Line as Level and Assembly Group

Users may now select the customer line number as a level, as well as for an assembly grouping field.


Equipment List

Multi-Qty Upload - split custom fields

When uploading equipment via the multi qty template, data in custom columns will be split up for each line. A classic example is a custom column for serial numbers. If you upload qty 5, and enter the serial numbers as 1,2,3,4,5 in the cell, DocBoss will now assign each of the serial numbers to a separate line (vs treating the entire cell as a single value to be replicated on each line).