Release – Aug 2017

In this August release, we have many great features to make your day more effective.

Update to nav

We updated our mega-menu, focusing on the most frequently used project areas. You can go anywhere in your project faster.

Merge index and status list to card list

Index and status list joined their powers to create a unique interface, our new Card List. Now you view and manage your cards from one single screen.

Addition of viewer to assign

Have you ever wonder what was that file that you just updated? Well, no more guessing. “Incoming Documents” has a viewer that will show you a preview of the file you selected.

Enabling the viewer is super easy, the viewer “Switch” is located right beside the Files Staging area title.

Once it is enabled it will show you two options, thumbnail (default) and large viewer.

This is how the screen looks like with the viewer showing thumbnails.

And if you need to take a closer look turn on the large viewer that will allow you to zoom in and check any detail you need.

Also after a document has been assigned to a card, the card info slides in and give you the option to activate the viewer, so you can confidently fill in all the required information.

In this case, the viewer switch is located under the document name. It will show two options, view file (default) and compare.

You can also compare the newest version against an older one, and get a better idea of how the document has evolved over time.

But that is not all, you can also rotate the page and add stamps.

Outstanding actions and history

Viewing and completing outstanding actions got simpler and better.

Our document history got upgraded too. Now you can look take a quick look at the past and compare versions if you need it.