API Documentation

Documentation Access

The link is based on your DocBoss login system: https://system[].docboss.com/documentation/api

i.e. for System1, the link is: https://system.docboss.com/documentation/api

i.e. for System5, the link is: https://system5.docboss.com/documentation/api

Note that user must have a (minimum of) VIEW license to access the page.


Queries are listed on the left, with data on the right.



Tests are available for every query. One example:


You can execute and view results within this window.

Available Calls

Cards (Documents)

Card Data by Card ID

Cards Modified After Date

Get File

List by PO number

List by SO number

Unit Data by Card ID


Project Data by Project ID

Project Data Modified After Date

Incoming Files

Create Folder

Get Folder Content

Search Folders

Upload File

Project Units

Add Unit

Delete Unit

Download CSV with Unit Errors

Download CSV with Units

Get Status of last import operation

Import CSV with Units

Update Unit


Add Library Card

Disable Library Card by ID

Get File Status

Get Library Card Status

Get Library Folders

Library Card Data by Card ID

Search Library Cards

Update Library Card by ID

Upload File