SSO with Okta

Single Sign On (SSO) is available for DocBoss. If enabled, users with the company domain will be redirected to their identity provider to sign in to access DocBoss. The instructions below outline how to set up SSO with DocBoss when using Okta as the identity provider.


Typically, DocBoss Support will provide the following:

  • Single Sign-On URL (Recipient URL or Destination URL)
  • Audience Restriction URL
  • SCIM connector base URL: [system2, 3 …]
  • Instructions on how to get a token
  • The list of fields for creating/updating user requests (optional - using SCIM protocol)
    • username [required] – This must be an email address within the SSO domain
    • user. givenName [required]
    • user. familyName [required]
    • user.title – This value is saved as the Title field for the user in DocBoss
    • user.timezone - This value is saved as user’s time zone in DocBoss
    • user.userType [required] – This value is saved as the user's role in DocBoss. Allowed values are Admin, Full, Reviewer, and View.

DocBoss Support will need the following information from your IT:

  • Metadata URL

Below is an example of how we configured application and setup fields for mapping, but your IT will know how to configure this best for your company's needs.


Add application in Okta

In Okta, follow the steps below:

1) Create a new app integration > select SAML 2.0

2) Set the following values on the next slide:

Single sign-on URL
[provided by DocBoss]
Audience URI (SP Entity ID)
[provided by DocBoss]
Name ID format
Application username
Okta username
Update application username on
Create and update

3) Copy the Metadata URL to send to DocBoss Support:

Set up SCIM provisioning

Next, set up SCIM provisioning to allow adding and updating DocBoss users through Okta.

4) Enable SCIM provisioning and Save.

5) Add the following SCIM Connection settings:

SCIM connector base URLDocBoss Support will provide. For example,
Unique identifier field for usersuserName
Supported provisioning actionsImport New Users and Profile Updates, Push New Users, Push Profile Updates, Push Groups
Authentication ModeHTTP Header
Authorization BearerLong-term token from DocBoss Security Settings > API Authorization > Tools > Token

6) On the Provisioning > To App tab, enable Create Users, Update User Attributes, and Deactivate Users:

Set up user info fields

Next, set up fields for users.  The following fields exist in the Okta by default:

  • user. givenName [required]
  • user. givenName [required]
  • user.title – We used it for title field for the user in the docboss
  • user.timezone
  • user.userType [required] – we used it for the Role

Mapping is set by default. User only should remove mapping for excess fields:

7) Under Provisioning > To App > Attribute Mappings, set to not apply mapping for all fields except the following:

  • user.firstName
  • user.lastName 
  • user.title
  • user.timezone
  • user.userType 

This is set so that when a user is assigned to DocBoss in Okta, only the selected fields will be copied and sent to DocBoss.

8) Optionally, you can remove excess fields on the Profile Editor > Application Profile > Attributes to hide it on the assign user to application form:

Or you can add some fields as custom to add more settings for the field.
