Default Grid Row Colors
There are two default grid colors that will appear in the Card List in the following situations:
Red - If expected return of card is after due date.
The system compares the Due date and Expected Date columns and marks the row red, if the expected date is later then due date.
The system will also color a row red if the Action Due Date is after the Card Due Date.
Grey - If cards are included into Merge Set
Details about Grid Rows Colors can be checked by placing the mouse over the "?" Grid Row Colors.
Grid Row Customized Colors
In DocBoss it's also possible to have customized grid row colors.
This allows users who are familiar with a specific color pattern to quickly (and visually) identify various document circumstances.
To enable on your system, simply provide requirements to the DocBoss support team, and we will enable the coloring in your instance. Note that the color scheme must be applied to and will be the same across the entire instance. Please provide the colors in HEX format.
Some color trigger examples:
Completed Cards
Due to customer within <specific number of days>
Overdue to customer
Out with customer/supplier
Overdue to instance (customer/supplier are late with their return)
Approved but resubmit
Re-Submitted to sub-supplier