Project FAQ


What if my Customer doesn't want the document I just submitted?
If you have resubmitted a document and your customer decides they don't need it and asks you to just use the last approved document instead, how do you handle this in DocBoss? The first step is to void the outgoing submittal. Next, na...
Project setup when customer sends a detailed document list (with numbers), instead of a list of doc codes
There is a temptation to upload the customer document list to the DocBoss CODE LIST, putting doc numbers as doc codes. This generally causes confusion in DocBoss as every card is linked to every piece of equipment (order level), and the outputs fo...
How to work with Sub-Suppliers
When working with Sub-Suppliers, there are several options that can be enabled for DocBoss to help identify which documents belong to each sub-supplier and to make submittals and expediting easier. Sub-Supplier List When using auto...
Grid Row Colors (Card List)
Default Grid Row Colors There are two default grid colors that will appear in the Card List in the following situations: Red - If expected return of card is after due date. The system compares the Due date and Expected Date columns a...
Sub-Supplier List and the Sub-Supplier Override
When it comes to the sub-suppliers associated to a given card, the Sub-Supplier List determines search and output text. When it comes to defining the sub-supplier list - there are two options. the auto-defined values, and an override. Auto...
Edit Data via CSV When Using Values Containing Commas or Quotes
Save file as CSV (Comma delimited) To get proper format of CSV file for further uploading to Docboss - please save your file using Save As ->CSV (Comma delimited) option. Multiple values cell If CSV file contains cells where multiple...
How to Create a Job and Assign it to multiple projects
Create a Job Creating a "Job" allows you to group multiple projects together for reporting and searches. For example, if you have two projects for a customer and you want to report across both projects, enter a job number on Project 1 and enter...
Create a Weld Log (and generate weld cert/weld procedure packages)
The weld log will allow you to include welder certificates and weld procedures (cross referenced to welds) in the tag specific quailty packages. Or - you can prepare separate packages for the certs/procedures with the cross references to all tags....