Project Main Settings

The Project Main screen is where many of the project options are configured. This article explains the various options available on this page.

The first time a project is started, this screen defaults to the Quick Start form.  Selecting Show All Settings Instead will display the full Project Main settings.

Any time a user returns to the Project Main screen on an existing project, the full list of settings will appear.

An explanation of each section in the image follows:

Project Settings

1) Project Profile: project IDs and information about the companies involved in the project (Supplier, Customer, and End User). For an explanation of each field, see Project Profile Definitions.

2) Doc Code and Status Lists: select the applicable doc code and return status lists for the project. Also choose the internal approval status list, if using IA.

3) Users and Key Contacts: select the default project users (for filtering projects and assigning actions) and the key project contacts at the Customer/End User.

4) Turn Around Days: set the number of days for document turn around after initial submission.

5) Document Auto-Numbering Format: set patterns for Customer and Supplier document numbering.

6) Document Revision Settings: set revision options and formats.

7) Prices and Estimates: select settings for Estimation template output.

Other Data and Custom Fields

8) Other Data: paragraph-style notes field.

9) Custom Fields: fill out any custom Project (Main) fields enabled on the active project template.


10) Cover Pages and Stamps: choose the cover page and stamps templates and formats.

11) Transmittal: choose the transmittal file template and format.

Submittal Defaults

12) Numbering: customize the submittal numbering pattern (T-001, Transmittal 01, etc.).

13) File Naming Pattern: DocBoss renames files according to a specific pattern (typically including doc no and rev no) on submittal. The pattern can be customized here.

14) Headers and Footers: set document header and footer text and formatting (applied on submittal)

15) Markup Output: choose whether to include document markups on submittal, and enable/disable markup summary pages

16) Batching, Downloads and Medium: submittal delivery options.

Submittal Email Notifications

17) Sender: set the "From" email address and contact info used when DocBoss sends submittal emails

18) Templates: choose the email templates used for submittal notifications

19) Enable/Disable and Attachments (by Target): choose the default for submittal emails (yes/no) per target, and the attachment/hyperlink options

View and Search Options

20) Collapse/Expand All

21) Search

Log and Project Actions

22) Project (Main) Log: view log of changes to Project (Main) settings

23) Project Actions: save changes, copy projects, and mark projects as hidden or complete