Create Project

Start a new project and fill out basic order information.


Initiate a Project
A project is the container object in DocBoss. It defines the information required to manage your documentation. It typically reflects the purchase order detail from your customer. 1. Create new project From Project List (option 1) Click th...
Copy a project
Often times a customer may place an order which is very similar to an order from the past. In these circumstances, the ability to copy a project will come in very useful. To Get Here: Open the project you wish to copy, navigate to the setup m...
Definitions of the Default Users and Lists section
The Default Users / Lists area of the main setup allow you to define key contacts for the specific project. It also includes the selection of the lists you will be using to manage the project. Any fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are...
Definitions of the Project Setup
This is the main Setup of your project. You have two options and the selection will vary the fields that are available. Option 1 - Order Option 2- Quote Profile This section is for your customer (the company to whom you are submitting the doc...