Marking cards as required / not required

When DocBoss auto-generates cards (based on your selected LEVEL), it creates ALL possible cards. In some cases, not all cards are applicable for the doc code in question.

Assume a customer has requested pressure tests from a seller of instrumentation, AND assume the order contains BOTH pressure AND temperature transmitters.
When you set the Doc Code for pressure tests to the tag level, a pressure test card is created for every tag in the order. BUT - temperature transmitters don’t require pressure tests.
You now need to tell DocBoss which cards SHOULD be left on the order (required), and which should be hidden (marked as not required). You can do this MANUALLY, OR via a QUERY.

Manually select which cards are required / not required

On the standard tab, you can check or uncheck the required column.

Remember that if the card is already locked, marking a card as unrequired will move the card to obsolete (its history must be maintained). If not locked, it will simply be removed from the display.


Use a Query to determine if card should be required / not required

The query tab enables users to define the criteria between required and not required cards using a query.

The query approach builds a logic statement to define which of the level elements you actually need to submit. Various fields are available to choose from including model, manufacturer, and tag.

For large projects and projects where change orders are frequent, the query approach will be very helpful because any new line items and their corresponding documents will be automatically set as required or not based on your previously created conditions. In a manual approach, you must remember to select these documents after updating the order information.


The required/not required query does NOT edit the equipment assigned to each card. The SOLE FUNCTION of the QUERY tab (in the card list) is to set required/not required status.

If a card includes ANY unit which satisfies the query, the card is marked as required.

If you want to manually edit the equipment assigned to a card, just edit the equipment. For more info, see how to add/edit cards.

For more examples and details about marking cards and running queries have a look at our video: Trimming Auto-Created Registers.