Release - January 2022

Customer Portal

The customer portal has been changed to allow customers to upload documents directly to projects. It now shares a common format and functionality with the Vendor Portal.


For more details on Customer Portal, see our article here.


Project (Main) Fields

Users may now add an unlimited number of custom fields to the main area of projects. Create new date or text fields, to be followed shortly by drop down lists, and an option to define whether fields are mandatory. Users may apply them to any or all project templates.


For detailed information on "Other Data" Project (Main) Fields, see our article here.

Equipment Upload

DocBoss now allow XLS files to be used to upload equipment data (vs CSV). This helps resolve issues where CSV file formats strip out non-ASCII text (foreign language document titles for example). It also can be useful when CSV files are difficult to manage based on an organizations Excel settings (generally related to localization settings).

For detailed information on editing am equipment list, see our article here.


Allow sub-packages for each section

There are some databook layouts which require sub-packages to be created for each databook section. This is now offered in DocBoss.



Add an option to set a "default" distribution list for each project. This selection is remembered for each subsequent submittal on the project.


Affiliate Variables: We have updated several the instance general variables to pull data for the assigned affiliate

XLS option for Sub-supplier cover page: Users may now use XLS to create sub-supplier cover page templates.

Manage XLS coverpages (customer): Add an "settings" icon beside the XLS customer cover page drop down (only if template selected), allowing users to manage how XLS coverpages are managed. Whether they are created for Excel files only, and whether they are embedded into the Excel files as worksheets.

Add general variables for multi-project SDI: Users may now add project name, and other project variables to multi project SDI templates.

Other Updates

Add split parameter to output formatting: Split can now be applied to all variable options in the TOC/Bookmark Card and Outgoing Submittal File Name fields.

Submittals Not-Yet-Downloaded Report: Add Y/N columns for hidden and completed project, as well as column for submittal target.

Support Accounts in user list: Support accounts will no longer appear in user lists.

Add doc code name to Included In pattern: Allow user to display the doc code name when displaying included in codes.


A new version of our API has been published, with online documentation and tests available for eahc query. More detail available here.