Older Releases

Archive of older release notes. For the most up to date information, refer to the "Docs" section of the User Guide.


Release - Aug 2023 (Viewer Update with New Markups)
DocBoss has updated the document viewer to include updated navigation options, more flexibility, and extended markup options. See below for a detailed description of the new features. New Viewer functions Viewer navigation Scroll (vertical) ...
Release - May 2023
Affiliates Add time zone for affiliate Previously, the time zone was configured for the entire instance. As affiliates are often used for parts of a company in different parts of the world, we have added the ability to set affiliate-specific tim...
Release - February 2023
User Interface Update grid on the card list The grid has been replaced on the card list. This includes the ability to pin columns, navigate the grid with arrow keys and many more functions. For more detail about our new grids, see here . ...
Release - Oct 2022
Workflow Parallel Routing: Select multiple users per role Users may now assign routing to multiple people for each role. All users must complete the review for it to proceed to the next role. 1 - each user appears in a removable bloc...
Release - July 2022
User options Allow admin to define which users can access extended support Admin users are now able to choose which users have access to DocBoss Extended Support through the Manage Users screen. Define user responsible for contract On ...
Release - April 2022
Compilations Compilation and Package Presets Users may preset the default settings for compilations and packages. These are created at the instance, and are selected on the project template. They are loaded onto the project at initiation. So...
Release - January 2022
Customer Portal The customer portal has been changed to allow customers to upload documents directly to projects. It now shares a common format and functionality with the Vendor Portal. For more details on Customer Portal, see our article h...
Release - August 2021
Working in the Project Uploading Files Upload multiple files to a card Assign active, native AND comment files from the file staging area (multi drag/drop). Click here for more information. Exceptional file handling (skip processing) ...
Release - April 2021
Card management The ability to Edit the Stage and all Card metadata from each particular entry of Card History is now available. Click here for more information. Submittals Email notifications for failed submittals If an email has n...
Release - Jan 2021
eSignatures DocBoss now allows eSignatures to be applied to outgoing documents in 2 forms: System applied (Hidden) This signature is applied to the document without a visible signature block. The intent is to register the current state of th...
Release - December 2020
Automated Expediting The core function for this release is our expediting module! DocBoss now allows users to expedite overdue cards from any project to any of the following groups (targets): Customers Suppliers 3rd Parties Outstanding...
Release - September 2020
Sub-Supplier Portal Users may now invite sub-suppliers/vendors to upload documents directly to DocBoss (Project specific). These uploads are treated as incoming submittals from sub-suppliers. Click here for more information Submittal...
Release - June 2020
Security New permission required to access security settings. This must be enabled by the DocBoss team, based on direction from the managing user. User Multi-factor Authentication For a full description of user side MFA, see this pa...
Release - March 2020
Unpack Upon receiving the return of a DocBoss created package, users can now automate the re-allocation of each document to is original card. Full details are available here . To review how to create packages, click here . Workflow Incomin...
Release - January 2020
Compilations Optimize compilation generation We have refactored the generation process for compilations. The largest improvements will be noticed for compilations where DocBoss is adding cover pages to all documents, but general speed improvemen...
Release - September 2019
Add new data types to projects While DocBoss supported 3 type of units (Major Tags, Tagged Equipment and Steel), users may now add additional unit/data types to their projects. You may then allocate equipment columns to the appropriate tabs. Typ...
Release - July 2019
Unlimited Equipment Fields You may now add an unlimited number of global and project specific equipment fields. Details are available here. Data Inheritance Inherit data from Major Tag columns to Tagged Equipment units Inherit data ...
Release - April 2019
Project Hub Whew! Carrying on with the tiles available on the project dashboard, the project hub is a new landing page designed to provide actionable data for your document controllers. What documents are overdue, and who is behind on the requir...
Release - January 2019
Equipment List Create combination columns There are times when the data from your system exists in 2 columns. Rather than combine it prior to upload, DocBoss now allows you to concatenate existing data into a new column result. On the project te...
Release - September 2018
Manual Cards for Tagged Equipment Add Manual cards (link to either major tags or tagged equipment) Manual cards allow users to add (or upload) cards, while manually selecting the appropriate doc codes, and tags. This function has existed strictl...
Release - May 2018
Major Feature - Approve Supplier Documents In addition to tracking customer status for each card, you can now manage an internally focused approval process for supplier documents. You define a set of statuses, and when documents arrive from your s...
Release – March 2018
Preview Stamp DocBoss now allows you to see the stamp while you are placing it on the document. This will include the variables (until it has actually been assigned) Once it has been assigned to the card, the variables will populate with ap...
Release – Jan 2018
Add stamp to document In some cases, customers require that stamps are placed directly onto the document, rather than the addition of a cover page. DocBoss now allows users to upload stamp templates, and stamp documents. The same variables as us...
Release - October 2023
In the October 2023 release of DocBoss, we're introducing a range of options to further customize your outputs and save you time. These updates focus on streamlining your workflow and include improvements such as bulk user management, expanded fil...
Release – Aug 2017
In this August release, we have many great features to make your day more effective. Update to nav We updated our mega-menu, focusing on the most frequently used project areas. You can go anywhere in your project faster. Merge index an...
Release – May 2017
Document upload and assign workflow A picture is worth 1000 words. Here the video of what we have changed. Navigation The navigation preview has been in place for a few months. We hope you’re ready! Most of the structure has remai...
Release – Jan 2017
Clear warnings for “Not Downloaded by Customer” On the projects dashboard, DocBoss warns you if customers have not clicked the download link in the transmittal notification. In some cases, these warnings are no longer useful. You can manuall...