Status (Combined) Column Explanation


The Status (Combined) column is a quick way to get lots of information about a card's current status and location.

This column displays the following information about each card:

  • Status
  • Location, if not out with/pending to a submittal target (customer, sub-supplier, internal personnel who are not DocBoss users)
  • Routings, if applicable
  • Internal approval status, if applicable

The Status (Combined) column relates to the document's progress within a single stage. If you are working with multi-stage lists, you may find it useful to keep the Stage column visible as well to provide context for the current status.

Reading the Status (Combined) Column


DocBoss default statuses - these are used when no customer status is available (if the card has not yet been, or will not be, assigned a return status by the customer). By default, they are as shown below.

NULLNULL statusNo active file on the card
XRequired for Order but Initial Submission not yet madeNot yet assigned a customer status, but has active file on the card
ZSystem Completed documentFile on the card, and completed without assigning a stage complete return status (most often for cards that are not submitted to the customer individually, like those in packages)

Company return statuses - an example is provided below, but these will vary based on the customer.

2Approved with Comments
4Received for Information Only


The location is denoted by the status suffix (appears after the status noted above). The status suffixes in DocBoss are as follows:


Blank (with us)
(-)Pending to sub-supplier
(*)Pending to internal
(+)Pending to customer
-With sub-supplier
*With internal
+With customer


Identified by a period and the Role Suffix of the user(s) assigned the card. The following is an example only, as the Role Name and Role Suffix fields are customizable under Admin > General.

RoleRole NameRole Suffix
Role 1Doc Control.d
Role 2Preparer.p
Role 3Checker.c
Role 4Approver.a

Internal Approval Status

Listed in curly brackets { }. Value dependent on internal approval status list. For example:



Assuming your instance uses the example values listed in the tables above, this is how you could interpret these Status (Combined) values:

X+Status: X 
Location: +
  • The card has an active file on it, but has not yet received a customer status in the current stage.
  • The card is currently with the customer.
2(-).dStatus: 2
Location: (-)
Routing: .d
  • The most recent customer status is "2 - Approved with Comments".
  • The card is in queue to submit to the sub-supplier (-), but...
  • ...before the card will be visible in the queue, the routing assigned to the Doc Control User (d) must be completed.
3(+).pcaStatus: 3
Location: (+)
Routing: .pca
  • The most recent customer status is "3 - Rejected".
  • The card is in the queue to submit to the customer (+), but...
  • ...before the card will be visible in the queue, all routings must be completed. The Preparer User (p), Checker User (c), and Approver User (a) must all complete their actions before the card can go back to the customer.  (Also note, there could be more than one user in each role.)