Information that doesn't fit in our General FAQ, but that we think is helpful for our customers to have.
Test Your Knowledge (DocBoss Topics List)
Use the list below to track which DocBoss features you want to learn more about, and click on the links to be redirected to the relevant articles. If you request advanced training from us, we can customize our course offerings based on your chosen...
How to create confidential projects
Confidential projects can be created in DocBoss in order to restrict access to other users.
1. Create a new affiliate company
First steps it is to add a new internal affiliate company. New affiliate companies can be added by admin user...
Using Cover Page Variables to Build Source Documents
DocBoss wasn't really designed to build source documents directly, but our document index templates certainly bring that thought forward.
- Files can be submitted as PDF and Excel
- Templates are uploaded as DOCUMENT INDEX type
Why DocBoss (for YOUR customers)
Periodically, we have customers looking for marketing material to include with bid packages. They are looking for something to help them stand apart on competitive bids.
We have created a document which helps you promote your investment in DocB...