Updated Articles

  1. Status (Combined) Column Explanation

    Overview The  Status (Combined) column is a quick way to get lots of information about a card's current status and location. This column displays the following information about each card: Status Location, if not out with/pending to a submit...
  2. Filtering the Card List

    The walkthrough shown below uses the Card List to illustrate filtering options. Filtering on the Multi-Project Card Report screen uses the same layout. There are different areas of the screen for different types of filters. The sections are c...
  3. Grid Row Colors (Card List)

    Default Grid Row Colors There are two default grid colors that will appear in the Card List in the following situations: Red - If expected return of card is after due date. The system compares the Due date and Expected Date columns a...
  4. Multi-Project Card Report

    Query and export card data across multiple projects.
  5. Project Setup: Quick List of Steps

    Summary of steps to set up a new project.
  6. Marking cards as required / not required

    When DocBoss auto-generates cards (based on your selected LEVEL), it creates ALL possible cards. In some cases, not all cards are applicable for the doc code in question. Assume a customer has requested pressure tests from a seller of instr...
  7. Adding a New Company

    Add sub-suppliers, customers, and end users.
  8. Copy a project

    Often times a customer may place an order which is very similar to an order from the past. In these circumstances, the ability to copy a project will come in very useful. To Get Here: Open the project you wish to copy, navigate to the setup m...
  9. What do I do if I forgot my password?

    Steps to reset your password.
  10. Add Users / Edit / Disable Users

    How to get here: These options are only available from the Manage Users screen. To Add : Above the grid, click Add User. To Edit : Click the edit icon (tools column) for the specific user. To Disable : Click the disabl...