Updated Articles

  1. Adding a New Company

    Add sub-suppliers, customers, and end users.
  2. Copy a project

    Often times a customer may place an order which is very similar to an order from the past. In these circumstances, the ability to copy a project will come in very useful. To Get Here: Open the project you wish to copy, navigate to the setup m...
  3. What do I do if I forgot my password?

    Steps to reset your password.
  4. Add Users / Edit / Disable Users

    How to get here: These options are only available from the Manage Users screen. To Add : Above the grid, click Add User. To Edit : Click the edit icon (tools column) for the specific user. To Disable : Click the disabl...
  5. Run the Expedite Process and Send Emails

    Prompt DocBoss to generate and send expedite reports.
  6. Bulk Processing for Incoming Documents

    When receiving submittals with many files, users may want to use bulk processing to bring incoming documents into DocBoss. Instead of users individually dragging files into each card, DocBoss will attempt to automatically match each file to the ap...
  7. Manage Users

    Admin users can manage their instance's user list from the Manage Users screen. From the Instance Menu , select Manage Users to navigate here. Manage Users From the Manage Users screen, admin users can: Man...
  8. Process Card to Unit Changes

    Overview Sometimes, users may need to make changes to the Equipment List after documents have been submitted. Some situations where this could happen are: A project change order has been received A new piece of equipment has been added ...
  9. Set Cover Page and Stamp Preferences per Doc Code/Card

    Doc Code Cover Page/Stamps Options and Templates Users can define the metadata method for each doc code: Cover Page/Stamps Option: Cover page only (no stamp) Stamp, else cover page: System will prompt the user to place a stamp. If t...
  10. Reference Date Abbreviation Definitions

    AS : After shipment (based on ship date on equipment list/major tag) BS : Before shipment (based on ship date on equipment list/major tag) AO : After order (based on order date on setup>main) ARAD : After receipt of approved Drawin...