Popular Articles

  1. Release – March 2018

    Preview Stamp DocBoss now allows you to see the stamp while you are placing it on the document. This will include the variables (until it has actually been assigned) Once it has been assigned to the card, the variables will populate with ap...
  2. Release – Jan 2017

    Clear warnings for “Not Downloaded by Customer” On the projects dashboard, DocBoss warns you if customers have not clicked the download link in the transmittal notification. In some cases, these warnings are no longer useful. You can manuall...
  3. Edit Merged Cards

    Sometimes, users may need to edit merged cards . In the Card List , select the Edit icon from the Tools column in the row for the merged card. (This can be done from other screens that show cards as well, but the options layout is somewha...
  4. Why is my user not appearing in the default user list?

    It is likely a permission issue if affiliates are enabled on your project. If a user has been added to DocBoss but is not available to select in a project's Default Users/Lists settings (under Set Up > Main from the Project Menu ), the...
  5. How can I create a digital twin of a project?

    The digital twin (or design one, build many) concept has been used in various large projects. Often you will be asked to resubmit documents which have already been used on previous projects, and reference the previous document numbers etc. In t...
  6. What if I have multiple orders to manage in a single DocBoss project?

    If you have a customer who has issued multiple orders of equipment under one purchase order number, DocBoss can use custom equipment fields to identify multiple packages on one single equipment list. This will allow you to create one final compila...
  7. Apply eSignatures to Outgoing Submittal

    Step 3 of the eSignature process.
  8. Create multiple SDI reports for one project using Worksheet parameter

    You may have been asked by your customer to submit a unique SDI report for each Tag, or each PO (if multiple PO's on same DocBoss project). DocBoss doesn’t support a full SDI based on a level. There are many questions about documents which appl...
  9. Saving submittals on your server

    Customers periodically ask how they should set up their file structure for saving submittals on their server. While not technically required, it's a good practice. Heres the layout we suggest Project ABC ...
  10. Selecting Email Template

    If you want, you can change the Email Template that is used for any project. To Get Here: Project menu - (SetUp) Main, Scroll to Output Settings The drop-down (beside each Type of submittal) lists the available templates you h...