Can my customer use DocBoss to markup documents?
We've had customers ask if their customers might use the review functions - avoiding submittals entirely. Here are our thoughts:
The routing doesn't have the same level of historical reporting.
With submittals, the date out, date return...
How can I create a digital twin of a project?
The digital twin (or design one, build many) concept has been used in various large projects. Often you will be asked to resubmit documents which have already been used on previous projects, and reference the previous document numbers etc.
In t...
How can I create a stage that is only for internal routing?
Sometimes internal approval will not be suitable for a project's needs, but a similar workflow with a structured internal review of documents is required. This article explains how to set up an internal routing stage using a combination of the...
How can I correct date errors in CSV/Excel import files?
If you are getting date format errors when uploading CSV or Excel files into DocBoss, it is likely caused by Excel's regional settings. Opening a CSV in excel automatically converts any dates using excels expected format. If customers have a requi...
How can I make my final books VDI 2770 compliant?
VDI 2770 is a German standard for final submittal of vendor documentation. The focus is on FINAL PACKAGES, not the day-to-day submittals for approval etc.
The goal of VDI compliance is to create a stand alone package PER TAG. There will be many...
How can I recreate external submittal history?
There are times when a project has been started outside of DocBoss, and you want all submittal history to be brought into the system. Maybe you just enrolled with DocBoss and have a large project just underway.
It is possible to recreate your s...
How can I resolve dash/hyphen keyword search issues?
There are various types of dashes and hyphens used in text. While these can look very similar, they are actually different characters.
For users using a keyword search in DocBoss, if they are not using the same character used in the data entere...
How can I upload an older revision of a document?
Sometimes you may need to send a modified document while the current version is still being reviewed by the customer. An Example:
You send revision 0.
Someone at the customer side steps outside of the normal doc control process (sometimes ...
What are the key terms used in DocBoss?
Key Terms
Code / Status / State > Doc Codes
The Doc Code List is a list of codes used by your customer on their project. The data entered in this area is available to use on any project. You may have as many Doc Code Lists as ...
What if I have multiple orders to manage in a single DocBoss project?
If you have a customer who has issued multiple orders of equipment under one purchase order number, DocBoss can use custom equipment fields to identify multiple packages on one single equipment list. This will allow you to create one final compila...
Why does my document look strange in the viewer after upload?
If you document looks strange in the viewer after upload, it is usually due to a TYPE 1 Postscript font. These fonts are being depreciated by all systems, and will no longer be supported by Adobe as of January 2023 . The most typical example we s...
Why is my card or document missing?
If unsure where a card is, try out the troubleshooting steps below.
Cannot find card in Incoming Documents
Cannot find card in Outgoing Submittals
Cannot find card in Card List
Card has incorrect document
Why isn't my compilation showing in the outgoing submittals area?
If you have generated your compilation but it is not showing up in the outgoing submittals area, please check the following.
The Compilation has been linked to the doc code?
Is the Doc Code Type set as a "Compilation" and have you linked it ...
Why is my user not appearing in the default user list?
It is likely a permission issue if affiliates are enabled on your project.
If a user has been added to DocBoss but is not available to select in a project's Default Users/Lists settings (under Set Up > Main from the Project Menu ), the...