Popular Articles

  1. How to work with Sub-Suppliers

    When working with Sub-Suppliers, there are several options that can be enabled for DocBoss to help identify which documents belong to each sub-supplier and to make submittals and expediting easier. Sub-Supplier List When using auto...
  2. Compilations per Level

    Compilations can be auto-generated per any equipment field by selecting a level for each doc code on Code List (Requirements) grid. For instructions on how to set a level, see our article here. Once the level is set, the compil...
  3. Edit the Routing of a Card

    During the course of managing cards you define routing and transmittal requirements. This is typically managed by DocBoss as you upload documents to the system because you have already assigned your specific workflow instruction. However – On...
  4. Quick Tips Videos

    The following are quick tip videos to further support our helpdesk articles and videos. These quick tip videos have been created based on frequently asked questions. Compilation Settings Edit Document Numbers via CSV (also includes ho...
  5. Table of Contents

    To Get Here: In your project - Click Main Project Drop Down Click Index Reports & Compilations In Compilations List Grid, click the edit icon of applicable Compilation Scroll to section "Table of Contents and Bookmarks sect...
  6. Sending documents via Ad-Hoc

    Ad-Hoc submittals are special, in that they do NOT affect the workflow of your documents. It is simply a way to get documents to anyone outside the company, recording they were sent, and leaving the status/stage etc unaffected. They should be r...
  7. Template Troubleshooting, Tips and Tricks

    General recommendations Although most of the basic Excel features are supported in templates for Docboss documents, not every feature can be used. There are also some differences when building templates that would be output as PDF (usually v...
  8. Keep Hyphenated Values on a Single Line in Template Output

    If it is undesirable to have hyphenated values split between two lines on a template, a non-breaking hyphen can be used to prevent this (for example, to keep hyphenated tag numbers on a single line on a cover page). This can be accomplished manual...
  9. Send/Return Pairs

    Every submittal starts a Send/Receive pair which can be found in the Card History. Each pair contains a history entry that if (Y) is enabled it will be included in the SDI Reports. The system will set the send/return automatically bu...
  10. How can I upload an older revision of a document?

    Sometimes you may need to send a modified document while the current version is still being reviewed by the customer. An Example: You send revision 0. Someone at the customer side steps outside of the normal doc control process (sometimes ...