Outgoing Submittals


Sending Documents (Outgoing Submittals)
Documents that are available for submission (based on workflow) will automatically move to a queue located on the outgoing submittals screen. The grid in which they appear depends on the workflow target (b y default, it is the customer ). ...
Distribution Lists
A distribution list defines the recipients of a transmittal. The list of names is typically included into the transmittal summary (depending on your transmittal template). Topics Add/apply distribution list on project A...
Options for outgoing (submittal) notification emails
Defaults The defaults for notifications are available in the general admin area and can be edited on the main settings area of each project. These settings may be defined for each target. These settings can all be edited/overridden on the submi...
List of Completed Submittals
The last grid on the Outgoing Submittals page contains completed submittals. Project Menu > Cards In/Out > Outgoing Submittals > Scroll to bottom of screen. 1) Submittal Details Click on ...
Auto-Reclaim Submittal
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. The Auto-Reclaim feature allows users to complete the status of a document without uploading a new file. This is useful in situations where the customer approves a transmittal verbally or by email, b...
Void Submittal
Mark all or part of a submittal as void (cancelled).