Auto-Generated cards are created by selecting a Level for each Doc Code on the Code List (Requirements) grid. It allows users to leverage project data to automate the master document list (or index). When the Equipment List (supply component) o...
If the uploaded files don't match with any card, we show you an error in the top area of the matching screen.
You can check the cause by hovering over the error symbol.
Testing bulk match parameters
Select the info icon for the card...
There are 2 types of VOID in DocBoss.
Not Required
Un-mark the checkbox under the "Required" column.
You can mark a document as “Not required” at any time.
If it was locked, its state will show V (Void)
DocBoss maintains a state for every locked card. Cards become locked if ANY of the following actions have been performed:
The card has been submitted to the customer (tracked separately also)
A system generated INDEX has been submi...
Best Practices
Adding Companies
Use an external reference ID for new companies from a shared business system. This avoids duplicates being added with alternate spellings. DocBoss will warn you if the name it is exactly the same but if the...
This article is a guide for formatting the Excel Import file for bulk adding/editing companies.
To get here, from the system menu, select Lists > Companies > Excel Import/Export .
Download the template from Export Excel fi...
Last Updated: 09/16/2024
in Docs Projects Compilations Package
Here is the screen shot of the PACKAGE sent to the customer.
Assign returned package to the package card
Follow the normal steps to bring the package card into an incoming submittal. Assign the incoming package to the PAC...
Last Updated: 09/20/2024
in Docs Admin User Management
Grant an admin user permission to access and edit system security settings.
Last Updated: 09/20/2024
in Docs Admin Security
The Security Settings screen is only available to users who have the Security Permission . To get here: The Security Settings screen is where you can adjust user authorization (1), API authorization (2), and instance eSignature Settin...
Last Updated: 09/16/2024
in FAQ General FAQ
Sometimes internal approval will not be suitable for a project's needs, but a similar workflow with a structured internal review of documents is required. This article explains how to set up an internal routing stage using a combination of the...