Due Dates


Initial Submission Dates
When creating a new Project, the initial submission dates (original scheduled dates) are set by default to 10 days after order date indicated in Main. This can be changed from the Code List using reference date and delivery days columns o...
Turn Around Days
Turn Around Days Navigate to your project > Main > scroll down to Settings Here you can enter the default amount of Turn Around working days. Acme (Customer) Turn Around days - are how many working days your Customer will have to r...
Set Date Format
Date formatting can be set in Docboss in three places: On specific projects, under Project > Set Up > Main On Project Templates, under Project Settings > Date Format Under Admin, for the whole system To see the current date settings for...
Due Date & Expected Date
Definitions - Due Dates are the dates when the documents are scheduled to be submitted to customer (if card is with customer and there is a date in this field, it is intended for the next submittal). - Expected dates are the dates when the ...
Reference Date Abbreviation Definitions
AS : After shipment (based on ship date on equipment list/major tag) BS : Before shipment (based on ship date on equipment list/major tag) AO : After order (based on order date on setup>main) ARAD : After receipt of approved Drawin...