Obsolete Cards


Obsolete Cards and How to Manage Them
What is an obsolete card: When a locked card loses all of its linked units, it becomes obsolete. See " why would a card lose all of its linked units ?" Examples: If the Equipment List gets changed The Doc Code gets changed The s...
Example of an obsolete card
Consider the following scenario: Doc Code = Q14 – Drawings Level = Model In your equipment list, you have Unit 1: Model=ABC Unit 2: Model=ABC Unit 3: Model=DEF During the auto-generation, DocBoss creates 2 cards. ABC...
Void / Supersede
Void There are 2 types of VOID in DocBoss. Not Required Un-mark the checkbox under the "Required" column. You can mark a document as “Not required” at any time. If it was locked, its state will show V (Void) ...