Due Date & Expected Date


- Due Dates are the dates when the documents are scheduled to be submitted to customer (if card is with customer and there is a date in this field, it is intended for the next submittal).

- Expected dates are the dates when the documents are expected back from submittal target (customer, internal or sub-supplier).

Due Dates

Due dates are set by default to 10 days after order date when creating a new Project.

The due dates added before starting the submission of the documents are considered initial submission dates or original scheduled dates and they can be updated from the Code List and from the Card List.

For more details about Initial Submission Dates, see our article here.

Once the cards are submitted to customer, the data from Due to Customer it is cleared and will be re-set to a new due date (10 days after the document has been returned) if the document has been received without complete status (ie. with comments or rejected).

On the Card List the Due Dates of individual cards can be updated in Due to Customer column by clicking into each row:


Expected Dates

In DocBoss when a document it is submitted to any target (customer, internal or sub-supplier) there is always an expected date set to the card.

The expected dates are calculated based on the Turn Around Days set in Main.

On the Card List the expected dates of individual cards can be updated in Expected Date column by clicking into each row:


Setting due dates & expected dates to multiple cards

On the Card List is it also possible to set or update the due date and the expected dates of multiple cards at once:

- Select all cards you want to change


- To select many cards at once, filter for all the cards which require the date changed, then check "Select All (All Pages)". This will only select cards which are part of the filtered set


- Click the drop down beside "Other Actions" to choose whether you want to Set the Due dates or the Expected dates


- Choose the date and save


- You will see "M" next to the dates you've changed, this indicates the dates have been manually added/changed
