The weld log will allow you to include welder certificates and weld procedures (cross referenced to welds) in the tag specific quailty packages. Or - you can prepare separate packages for the certs/procedures with the cross references to all tags.
Project Template
Create "Weld Log" additional data type, and then add enable the following columns.
- Drawing Number
- Weld ID
- Welder
- Weld Type
- Weld Procedure
- Combo level for Welder+Weld Type
- Combo level: Drawing Number + Weld ID
- Enable Tag Number
Equipment List > Weld log grid
Upload data for each weld.
Code List
Add a code for weld certificates
- Type=Published
- Level=combo level from previous step (Welder+Weld Type)
- Stage List=Hide cards from customer
and weld procedures
- Type=Published
- Level=weld procedure
- Stage List=Hide cards from customer
ALSO: Ensure you have a code for "Weld Certs/Procedure Package".
- Set LEVEL to "Tag"
- Set Type to Compilation
- Stage list can be default
Incoming Documents
Link required file from library. All welder certs and weld procedures should be in the library.
Note: If you have uploaded the welder certificates to the library using the same convention (welder initials + weld type), you can auto-fill the cards on the project.
Create a compilation called "Weld packages" (or simply add the codes to your quality packages as described here)
Add the codes for certs and procedures
Edit the Bookmark TOC pattern to <DocCode>: <test_list> for Dwg/Welds <combo dwg+weldID_list>
Link compilation to the compilation code on code list, and generate.