Default date format
For any template variables including dates, the formatting of the date will default to the date format chosen for the project. This can be changed under Project Menu > Main > Settings > Date format .
To change...
Overview The Status (Combined) column is a quick way to get lots of information about a card's current status and location. This column displays the following information about each card: Status Location, if not out with/pending to a submit...
Why Major Tags
DocBoss maintains 2 levels of equipment - Major Tags, and Tagged Equipment.
The decision to use major tag can be determined by the tagging hierarchy you are managing. If you have 2 levels of tagging (or more), you should b...
Last Updated: 09/16/2024
in Docs Admin User Management
For customers with affiliates enabled, user access to projects and libraries can be configured per affiliate.
Only admin users have permission to add or edit users.
New users
When adding a new user to the system , if affiliate ...
Add doc code lists to companies for use on projects.
Add internal doc codes to use when customer lists are not provided or for mapping (cross-referencing) internal codes to customer codes.
Manage large and/or specialty PDF files.
The routing scenario feature allows users to predefine document workflow in detail.
For example, in the image below, DocBoss knows to assign a specific set of reviewers based on the file's return source (customer) and whether or not the st...
What is an obsolete card:
When a locked card loses all of its linked units, it becomes obsolete. See " why would a card lose all of its linked units ?"
If the Equipment List gets changed
The Doc Code gets changed
The s...
Last Updated: 09/16/2024
in Docs Projects Compilations Package
Assume you have a drawing for each tag, but your customer requires that you submit only ONE PACKAGE containing all drawings (sorted by tag numbers).
DocBoss makes this process easier by helping you manage each individual drawing (upload them ...