Code List (Requirements)

Manage types of documents required on the project.


Doc Codes vs Cards
The Document Codes are types of documents that clients use as standard in all their projects. They do not represent "each" document. Some of the most common Document Codes are: From above example you can use "LST" document code for the Ve...
Add Doc Codes to a Project
Overview In DocBoss, the Code List (Requirements) screen shows the list of document types that will be managed on the project. This list is often provided by the customer. If the customer does not have their own doc codes, users can add co...
Configure Code List (Requirements)
There are many configurations on the Code List (Requirements) grid that will affect the setup and management of cards on your project. Below is a general description of the columns available in this grid. Doc Code This is the DocCode t...
How to set a Level
Auto-Generated cards are created by selecting a Level for each Doc Code on the Code List (Requirements) grid. It allows users to leverage project data to automate the master document list (or index). When the Equipment List (supply component) o...
Duplicating Codes: How and Why
Sometimes, you customer gives you a rather GENERIC doc code. But - in your company, there are several separate documents which correspond to that code, and you want to manage them all separately (so you can keep track of the ones you are missing e...
Secondary Codes
Secondary Doc Codes can only be added to Manually created Cards. Secondary codes cannot be added to auto-generated cards. When creating a manual card, the secondary code(s) can be chosen in the "Create a New Manual Card" screen, as shown bel...
Default EQ Number
Default Equipment Number is the parameter that sets the value that will be displayed in the whenever the Equipment Unit variable is used. Default is always set to Tag but this can be changed for the whole order in the Project Fields Template >...
Import/Edit Project Doc Code List via CSV
To import/edit a project doc code list via CSV, navigate to the Code List (Requirements) screen and select Upload Data via CSV . The upload file must contain the same fields (in the same order, with the same spelling) as in the template from...
Set Cover Page and Stamp Preferences per Doc Code/Card
Doc Code Cover Page/Stamps Options and Templates Users can define the metadata method for each doc code: Cover Page/Stamps Option: Cover page only (no stamp) Stamp, else cover page: System will prompt the user to place a stamp. If t...
Creating Cards with Custom Equipment Lists
Setting up levels is one of the most important functions in DocBoss. Please review this article to learn more about how they can help you to build the Card List and link units to cards. As you are aware, DocBoss has a set of DEFAULT leve...