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  1. Assign an Action

    Workflow Option: Routing Documents via Actions When routed internally, the documents are moved to user specific work areas called “Outstanding Actions”. Inside that area, users will make comments on the documents, while having the option to upl...
  2. Templates used on Compilations (and Layout Impacts)

    There are five different templates used in compilations. Users can upload / update templates in the template management area of the instance menu. Available templates include the following: Compilation Cover Page The compilati...
  3. Enable Manual Cards

    How to Enable Manual Cards To add manual cards to a project, you must first ensure the manual card module has been enabled in your project. To find this option, navigate to Project menu > Set Up > Project Fields Template. From here, ...
  4. Managing number of pages on returned documents

    When processing files returned from the customer, DocBoss expects that the page count has NOT changed. DocBoss knows: Total pages sent (expected pages for return) i.e. 4 Total pages of the actual document i.e. 3 Total cover pages added...
  5. Why do I see upload error on the assign screen?

    If one of your files is corrupt, or the PDF is incorrectly formed, we will report this by showing you an error in the file staging area of the assign screen. You can delete the offending file and reupload, or, if the problem persists, try prin...
  6. Individual Page Assign

    DocBoss allows the user to select individual pages from a multi-page pdf, and assign them to separate cards. Select and assign Click on Thumbnail OR Use selection on top left of thumbnail The selected pages will have a yellow bord...
  7. Release - May 2023

    Affiliates Add time zone for affiliate Previously, the time zone was configured for the entire instance. As affiliates are often used for parts of a company in different parts of the world, we have added the ability to set affiliate-specific tim...
  8. Release - April 2022

    Compilations Compilation and Package Presets Users may preset the default settings for compilations and packages. These are created at the instance, and are selected on the project template. They are loaded onto the project at initiation. So...
  9. Release – March 2018

    Preview Stamp DocBoss now allows you to see the stamp while you are placing it on the document. This will include the variables (until it has actually been assigned) Once it has been assigned to the card, the variables will populate with ap...
  10. Getting Started with DocBoss (for Program Administrators)

    Suggestions for transitioning your team to work in DocBoss.