Popular Articles

  1. Create custom lists for use in custom fields

    This article provides steps to set up and use custom fields where the type is "List". Using a list takes out any risk of typo's as it gives the user a list of pre-existing values to choose from, rather than typing in the values. You have the optio...
  2. Prices and Estimates

    The Prices & Estimates feature is designed to provide a detailed pricing estimate for the documentation fees related to a project. Once the project has been set up with the required information (Doc Codes with Levels and Equipment) and the ca...
  3. Document Viewer

    You can view documents in DocBoss without having to download them first. Enabling the viewer is super easy, the viewer “Switch” is a toggle that allows you to turn it on or off. Incoming Docs File Staging Area Once it is enabled...
  4. Release - Oct 2022

    Workflow Parallel Routing: Select multiple users per role Users may now assign routing to multiple people for each role. All users must complete the review for it to proceed to the next role. 1 - each user appears in a removable bloc...
  5. Project Table of Contents Templates

    In some projects, the table of contents template requested is project specific. For these situations, instead of using the default system format, the table of contents can be built in Excel using Section Title Page variables. Se...
  6. Export / Import Instance Library

    The steps below explain how to export and import an existing collection of documents in an instance's library. For instructions on adding new files to the library, see here . Export library documents and metadata From the system men...
  7. How can I resolve dash/hyphen keyword search issues?

    There are various types of dashes and hyphens used in text. While these can look very similar, they are actually different characters. For users using a keyword search in DocBoss, if they are not using the same character used in the data entere...
  8. Why is my card or document missing?

    If unsure where a card is, try out the troubleshooting steps below. Topics Cannot find card in Incoming Documents Cannot find card in Outgoing Submittals Cannot find card in Card List Card has incorrect document Can...
  9. Sub-Supplier List and the Sub-Supplier Override

    When it comes to the sub-suppliers associated to a given card, the Sub-Supplier List determines search and output text. When it comes to defining the sub-supplier list - there are two options. the auto-defined values, and an override. Auto...
  10. Why isn't my compilation showing in the outgoing submittals area?

    If you have generated your compilation but it is not showing up in the outgoing submittals area, please check the following. The Compilation has been linked to the doc code? Is the Doc Code Type set as a "Compilation" and have you linked it ...