Complete an outstanding action
Once an action has been applied to a card, it remains in the Outstanding Actions grid until the action has been marked complete or removed .
You can view all Outstanding Actions (for all projects in your instance) OR you can view Outsta...
Remove an Action
Once an Action has been applied to a card, it remains in the Outstanding Actions Grid until the Action has been marked complete or REMOVED .
You can view all Outstanding Actions (for all projects in your instance) OR you can view Outstanding ...
Bulk Complete Actions (Routings)
When working with a large number of assigned actions, users may prefer to complete actions in bulk.
This also has other applications such as completing actions on behalf of another user.
This option must first be enabled under the user's pro...
Outstanding Actions
The outstanding actions grid is used to display a list of all the current assigned actions:
Actions can be checked in the Action Dashboard screen where all actions across all Projects are included (DocBoss logo > Action Dashboard)
Edit the Routing of a Card
During the course of managing cards you define routing and transmittal requirements. This is typically managed by DocBoss as you upload documents to the system because you have already assigned your specific workflow instruction.
However – On...
Assign an Action
Workflow Option: Routing Documents via Actions
When routed internally, the documents are moved to user specific work areas called “Outstanding Actions”. Inside that area, users will make comments on the documents, while having the option to upl...