Popular Articles

  1. Compilations per Major Tag (Manual Level)

    The compilations system is built around auto-generated cards (using levels to connect all the data). If a compilation has to be generated by Major Tag and the cards included in it have been created using both levels of equipment (Major Ta...
  2. How can I recreate external submittal history?

    There are times when a project has been started outside of DocBoss, and you want all submittal history to be brought into the system. Maybe you just enrolled with DocBoss and have a large project just underway. It is possible to recreate your s...
  3. Job based Supplier Document Indexes

    To run an SDI report for multiple projects, you will need to have assigned the "Job" to each of the projects you want to include in the report. For information on creating and assigning jobs, see our article here. Once you have assigned ...
  4. Doc No. Pass-Through

    Your Document Numbers It is standard practice to assign a number to every document you are managing. These numbers can be auto-generated in DocBoss, so the structure/convention is common across all documents on your project. If your engineer...
  5. Project Metrics - Description of each metric

    In / Out Metrics Submittals received: The number of incoming folders created for the selected sources for the selected period of time. We use the date of the folder Files assigned (from submittals): The number of files ass...
  6. Disable Equipment

    To delete/disable equipment from your equipment list, there are a couple of options. For single changes, you can click the delete icon. For multiple pieces of equipment, you can select them using the select boxes then click Disable S...
  7. Understanding the Split Parameter in Bulk Matching Process

    If the uploaded files don't match with any card, we show you an error in the top area of the matching screen. You can check the cause by hovering over the error symbol. Testing bulk match parameters Select the info icon for the card...
  8. Duplicating Codes: How and Why

    Sometimes, you customer gives you a rather GENERIC doc code. But - in your company, there are several separate documents which correspond to that code, and you want to manage them all separately (so you can keep track of the ones you are missing e...
  9. Create an NDE log (and generate quality packages)

    Project Template Create "NDE log" as an Additional Data Type . Add columns Drawing Number Weld ID *Test Type (MPI, Visual, Radiographic) Test / Certificate number Sub-Supplier (Fabricator) COMBO level: Drawing Number + ...
  10. Copy a Project

    Often,  a customer may place an order which is very similar to an order from the past. In these circumstances, you may find it saves time to copy an existing project to jumpstart the setup process. Open the project you wish to copy. From the  P...