New Articles

  1. Release - July 2022

    User options Allow admin to define which users can access extended support Admin users are now able to choose which users have access to DocBoss Extended Support through the Manage Users screen. Define user responsible for contract On ...
  2. How can I create a digital twin of a project?

    The digital twin (or design one, build many) concept has been used in various large projects. Often you will be asked to resubmit documents which have already been used on previous projects, and reference the previous document numbers etc. In t...
  3. Compilation and Package Presets

    Users of different groups, project types or affiliates may wish to have different default settings apply to new compilations and packages. DocBoss uses presets to define various setting defaults for NEW compilations and packages created on a gi...
  4. Disable Equipment

    To delete/disable equipment from your equipment list, there are a couple of options. For single changes, you can click the delete icon. For multiple pieces of equipment, you can select them using the select boxes then click Disable S...
  5. How can I correct date errors in CSV/Excel import files?

    If you are getting date format errors when uploading CSV or Excel files into DocBoss, it is likely caused by Excel's regional settings. Opening a CSV in excel automatically converts any dates using excels expected format. If customers have a requi...
  6. Update Previous Submittal Dates

    Users can update previously submitted documents submittal dates. Updating it on the outgoing submittal will then update the date in the card history and all templates (SDI and in document cover pages added during submittal and also in compilation ...
  7. Release - April 2022

    Compilations Compilation and Package Presets Users may preset the default settings for compilations and packages. These are created at the instance, and are selected on the project template. They are loaded onto the project at initiation. So...
  8. Create Lists for Custom Fields

    This article provides steps to set up "Lists". Using a list takes out any risk of typo's as it gives the user a list of pre-existing values to choose from, rather than typing in the values. To create a new list navigate to the Lists screen. ...
  9. Other Data - Project (Main) Fields

    Users may now add an unlimited number of custom fields to the main area of projects. Create new date, text, or list fields. There is also an option to define whether fields are mandatory. Users may apply them to any or all project templates. ...
  10. Enable Customer Portal Access

    In order to enable web access, the contact must be added to DocBoss. For information on adding a contact, see our article here . Allow Web Access: Enable this field to allow the access to the Customer Web Access/Portal Login (for t...