Data Inheritance

Inherit data from Major Tag columns to Tagged Equipment units

When a user enables an equipment field for a major tag, data from that field will be available from the tagged and sub-unit grids (Steel).

For example:

Add a "Product Group" equipment field and enable it on the Major Tag grid


Then add data into the field (on the major tag grid)


Because the column is inherited, the data is displayed (and can be used in variables) on the Tagged Equipment Units and Steel grid. The data cannot be edited from these grids (as it is based on the major tag selected for these units).

Note, that if you can’t see the new column you can add it on the column description drop down.


This allows you to use the major tag data on templates when submitting tag/steel level documents.

Inherit data from Tagged Equipment columns to Sub-Unit (Steel) grid

Note that the same function applies to the “Tagged Equipment” columns to “Steel units” but you must first enable the “Tag" fields for the sub-unit grid. This allows the data to be lined, and inherited.
