Assigning files to document cards

To Get Here

  1. Incoming Documents Dashboard
  2. Click on applicable submittal folder name


Two main areas File Staging Area and the Document Card List


File Staging Area contains any files you uploaded on the previous step (Uploading Files) If you missed any files you can upload now

Match Files to Document Card is the project document card list. User may choose to enable/display custom card fields, as well as equipment line number lists as columns in the assign card grid.

First, assign any transmittal documents. This will file them correctly and get them out of the way. If your submittal did not include a transmittal document, no problem just move on.


Now, assign all of the uploaded documents to the correct cards.

1. Find the applicable document card in the grid then drag the file from Unassigned Files grid (left) to Assign to Doc Card grid (right)

You can use the DocCode Filter above the grid to trim down the cards populated in the grid. You can also use the keyword to trim down results further.


4. Once dropped, the Status and Routing window will slide in. Complete the required information and click save.


*Note once complete the file will move from the "Unassigned" to "Assigned" process tab.


5. Continue until you have assigned all files.

For information regarding assigning multiple files to a single card, see our article here.