Updated Articles

  1. Signing files with eSignature (User action)

    Step 4 of the eSignature process.
  2. Apply eSignatures to Outgoing Submittal

    Step 3 of the eSignature process.
  3. Set eSignature requirements per Doc Code (or Card)

    Step 2 of the eSignature process.
  4. Processing Returned Files from Customer

    Assign returned files to cards and add their return status.
  5. Exceptional File Handling (skip processing)

    Manage large and/or specialty PDF files.
  6. Upload documents

    Create a new incoming submittal and add documents to it.
  7. Assigning files to document cards

    Assign uploaded files to the applicable cards.
  8. "File is Empty" Upload Error

    Sometimes users may receive a "File is empty" error message when trying to upload a file to DocBoss. Common issues and resolutions are listed below: The file does not contain any information (size is 0 kb) Ensure that the correct file is ...
  9. Edit Library Cards

    Edit library cards (individual or bulk).
  10. Connect Library Documents to Doc Codes or Cards

    Attach library documents to project cards (individual or bulk).