Project Hub

The project hub is a new landing page designed to provide actionable data for your document controllers. This hub also allows you to have tight control over exactly what is going on on the project. Here you can see how many documents are due, overdue, coming due or are they sitting out with the supplier or back with somebody inside?

Once you land on the Project, navigate to the Project Hub.



Apply the lenses at the top of the screen to refine the information on the screen.


If you wish to learn more about how to add and configure lenses read our article: Configure Lenses on the Dashboard.


Key Metric grids are available for both cards and outstanding actions.



Range Setting and Display

The data which appears on incomplete cards and actions can be modified from the “Range Settings” where coming due, due and overdue values can be edited.

You can also select 5 columns display instead of 3 by clicking on “Columns for ∞ and beyond”.



Finally, if you want to pull this data into Excel, DocBoss allows you to generate and download SDI Reports for cards and download Key Metrics for both cards and outstanding actions.


Incoming Files

On Project Hub the option is also available to upload files so you can directly process any pending document.
